Yesterday, I was at the supermarket, grabbing groceries for the week, and who do I see?

Ava’s marriage to Peter was rocky. She struggled to let go of him until she discovered he had an affair with another lady.

Peter came home sweaty and exhausted at almost midnight, claiming to be working on a project. Ava knew he was lying because he appeared distant in recent weeks. He wanted his wife to know more about his story.

Even though it seemed strange, Ava followed him the next day. Her pulse raced as she questioned her decision, trying to convince herself to trust her husband’s words, but it was hard. She wanted to know what was going on because her intuition told her.

Ava felt sick when Peter left his workplace and stood at a house’s door.

A pretty woman answered the door and hugged Peter. After chatting for a few minutes, he entered.

Ava’s world shattered. Peter was having an affair, which explained his apathy to her in recent weeks.

After being heartbroken, she considered marrying this man she thought she knew. But he felt like a stranger, someone she had never met.

Obviously, it followed. Ava confronted Peter after he returned home much later than before.
You having an affair with that woman? Ava asked for the truth, which she wanted to be different. But Peter didn’t even contest it. He admitted falling in love with someone else. His one-night stand became more serious. He said he loved Ava and that other woman.

It was sad that he blamed Ava for his affair, calling her cold and unsupportive.
I felt his words cut. It was enough for Ava. When he stopped talking, she remarked, “Peter, I want a divorce.”

Peter opposed that choice. Despite loving someone else, he didn’t want to divorce Ava. She was yelled at, threatened, and told he would never sign divorce papers.

That night, Ava cried. She thought her condition was hopeless. She never imagined living with Peter knowing he had affections for someone else. As she lay on the pillow, crying, she heard Peter’s footsteps and a door closing.

He left their bed the next morning. She searched the home but found Peter gone. Her eyes were on the safe. Though empty, she felt compelled to open it. His passport, jewels, and money. Everything was gone.

With confusion, she drove to Peter’s mom’s house. Martha blamed Ava for her son’s departure from the country at the door. If not for your idiotic divorce demand, nothing would have happened. Martha shouted, “You ruined your marriage and drove my son away.”

Ava couldn’t believe it and questioned Martha whether Peter was cheating.
“So what?” Martha said. “You should not have told my son you wanted to divorce him; this is on you.”

Since Martha couldn’t help, Ava went home. She was met with eerie quiet. She felt like she never owned anything in the house she shared with Peter. She felt like a stranger in her house.

Days passed with no trace of Peter. He hadn’t answered Ava’s emails and had turned off his phone. She desperately wanted closure after losing hope of seeing him again.

She was shocked when she heard the news while switching TV channels. Peter and his lover died in a plane disaster. Ava couldn’t believe it. Peter died. Someone was at the door as she tried to calm down. Martha wept and blamed Ava for her son’s death.

Two years after the tragedy, Ava felt she wanted a change and traveled to a nearby city. She ran grocery in the peaceful afternoon, never expecting her life to change again.

She saw a familiar face while reading the label of a product she was hesitant to buy. The man nearby resembled Peter so intensely that her heart raced. She muttered, “Peter…” but the man did not react. The similarity seemed too remarkable to be a coincidence.

With her legs wobbling, she chased him and saw Martha around an aisle.
What was occurring, how could this be true? Ava was stunned. Peter looked around when she called his name. “I can explain everything,” he continued, staring at Ava.

He asked Ava to get in his car and promised to tell her everything. Not willingly, she agreed. Peter informed Ava that he was in the plane crash and that his sweetheart perished, but he survived and became a new person with the money he stole from her as the three drove to his house. He immediately bought tickets for his mother, who helped him start over.

Ava remembered her sorrow and grief following Peter’s death.
He lived his best life while she mourned his death. Ava felt betrayed and stupid. She yelled at Peter for trying to calm her.

He invited her into his home and told his mother to wait in the car. Ava was bewildered and didn’t know what to do, but she was in a new place and didn’t know how to get back to her hotel, so she accepted to enter the house. Peter acted violently. He wanted to keep his secret. He knew if Ava spoke, he would go to prison, and he had gone far to allow that. He whacked Ava in the head with a hefty item while cursing and threatening. Her consciousness returned, and she realized she was confined in the basement.

She was losing strength and her calls for aid went unheard. She begged Peter to let her leave, promising not to denounce him to the police, but he didn’t trust her.

After two days, Martha entered the basement. She told Ava she could leave provided she swore not to injure Peter. Ava wanted to get home, didn’t care about Peter, and promised Martha she’d never tell anyone he was alive.

Martha released Ava because she worried her son would get in trouble with her at home.
Ava ran to Peter’s car and started it. Martha chased her and told her to get out of the car and go to the nearest road, but Ava drove as quickly as she could. Unfortunately, she was too weak to travel far. She crashed into a tree while driving ill. She lost consciousness and woke up in the hospital bed with an officer waiting to ask her about the accident and Peter, whom they found using the car’s plates.

A fictitious identity has been his. The purported plane crash changed his name. Officer Daniels told Ava, “We’re still assembling everything.”

She told him what she knew and said she assumed he died in the plane disaster.

Putting Peter in jail began with her testimony.
The matter is complicated, but your testimony is solid. George faces prison time for his conduct, while Martha is being probed for her accomplice role.

She was relieved. She could start again and forget the past.

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