The boss called his employee’s home phone number.

The boss was perplexed as to why one of his most prized employees was absent and hadn’t called in sick one day. When he contacted the employee’s home phone line to report an urgent issue with one of the main computers, he received a childish greeting of “Hello?” “Is your daddy home?” He asked. “Yes.” The little voice spoke quietly.

“May I talk to him?” The child muttered. “No.” Surprised and eager to speak with an adult, the employer inquired. “Is your Mommy there?” “Yes .””May I talk with her?” Again, a little voice whispered. “No.” The boss inquired if there was someone he could leave a note with. “Is anybody else there?” “Yes.” The youngster whispered. “A policeman.”The boss inquired asto what a cop might be doing at his employee’s home. “May I speak with the policeman?” “No, he’s busy.” The youngster whispered. “Busy doing what?” “Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman.” The answer came as a whisper. The boss inquired, becoming increasingly concerned as he heard a loud noise in the background through the phone’s earpiece.“What is that noise?” “A helicopter.” Answered the whispering voice. “What is going on there?” Demanded the boss, who was now clearly concerned. The toddler responded again, this time softly. “The search team just landed a helicopter.” Alarmed, apprehensive, and little frustrated, the supervisor inquired: “What are they searching for?” While still talking, the young voice responded with a muted giggle… “Me.”

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