SAD LOSS. Legendary actress passed away

Susan Backlinie died at the age of 77. She was a skilled actress and stuntwoman who played the first person eaten by the shark in Steven Spielberg’s famous movie Jaws.

According to Matthew Templeton, Backlinie’s convention agent, the sad news was confirmed: “It is with deep regret that we confirm our beloved Susan passed away this morning.”

Also, he thanked everyone for their condolences and asked that the family be given respect during this hard time.

From a Swimming Star to a Movie Star

Backlinie became famous when Spielberg noticed how well she could swim and how much experience she had as a professional diver. She was 28 years old at the time. Before her big break, she had worked with animals and liked water-based activities. For example, she was a mermaid at Florida’s Weeki Wachee Springs and had a lot of experience with wild animals like tigers and bears.

With her special skills, Backlinie went up to Spielberg and told him about them. She knew that her skills would make the movie more real. “If you hire me, you might get close-ups of the stunt itself,” she said when she pitched the plan. She will have to cover her face if you hire an actor. In Laurent Bouzerau’s book Spielberg: The First Ten Years, Spielberg wrote, “I went to stunts to find the perfect stuntwoman, and Susan was up to the task.” This shows that Spielberg saw her potential.

The Scary Event That Changed History

In an interview in 2017, Backlinie talked about working with Spielberg and revealed what the director told them before they shot the famous scene. “The first thing he told me was, ‘When your scene is over, I want everyone under the seats with the bubble gum and popcorn,’” she remembered. People all over the world will always remember Backlinie as Chrissie Watkins, which makes Jaws one of the most famous and scary movies of all time.

Fans and Coworkers Say Their Fond Farewells Backlinie’s death has caused a flood of tributes on social media, with many focusing on her iconic part in Jaws. Jeffrey Kramer, who also appeared in the movie, reflected, “Susan was a loving and kind person, and the Jaws community will miss her very much.” Fans said nice things about her performance. One said, “Her Chrissie Watkins in ‘Jaws’ had the most memorable tug on the leg in movie history,” and another said, “She did an unbelievable job that made everyone afraid of the ocean.”

Backlinie’s role had an effect that went beyond entertainment. One fan said that her role as Susan in Jaws made him interested in sharks all his life. He said, “Susan will be remembered forever and immortalized as the first victim of the great white shark of Jaws fame.” When I was 11, it made me curious about GW sharks for some reason. I’m now 61 years old and have cage dived in South Africa and Australia and seen over 29 different GW sharks. Dear Susan, “Thank you for the rip.”

The woman who bravely brought Jaws to life, Susan Backlinie, will always have a special place in movie history. Fans and movie lovers all over the world will love her skills and what she has done for the industry. Sue, please rest in peace.

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