Rapper had surgery to get gold chains implanted into his skull

The majority of us live in communities today where freedom of expression is a given. It may have taken a long time, but it feels like we’re finally approaching a place where people can be who they want, wear what they want, express themselves how they want, without fear of reprisal.

It’s something to be celebrated, if you ask me. Why shouldn’t people be able to make statements with the way they dress? Why shouldn’t they be able to get creative with their bodies, hair, or style?

Perhaps nowhere is this more visible than in the upper echelons of the entertainment industry, where actors and music artists so often set the trends for the masses by way of pushing the boundaries as to what’s deemed ‘IN’ with regards to fashion.

Celebrities have long been at the forefront of what’s considered innovative and trendy. After all, sparking discussions and drawing eyeballs is exactly why they’re celebrities in the first place… and what they strive to do in order to retain their profile.

Rapper gets gold chain hooks implanted in his scalp but he's no Goldilocks  | You

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Yet few have arguably ever gone as far as YouTuber and rapper Dan Sur, who reportedly had a set of gold chains surgically implanted into his head.

We know what you’re likely thinking: Who is Dan Sur? Why on earth has he undergone surgery to have gold chains dangle from his head? How have I not heard of this before.

Well, fortunately we’ve got some answers for you. Firstly, Sur is an independent rapper and content creator, predominantly on social media, with some 8.1 million fans on TikTok, 700,000 subscribers on YouTube, and 2 million followers on Facebook.

As concerns his eye-catching golden hair, the rapper actually had a series of hooks implanted into his head so that he could then attached golden chains from them, creating the illusion that he’s wearing the chains as hair…

And it really is quite the illusion. Sur underwent the procedure back in 2021, claiming while sharing the news with his followers that he wanted to have a unique look.

“I have it as a hook that is implanted in my head, and that hook has hooks, and they are all hooked in my skull, under my skin,” the then-23-year-old said at the time. “This is my hair. Golden hair. The first rapper to have golden hair implanted in human history.”

Naturally, there are a number of concerns that come with such a look. One doctor raised concerns regarding the weight that the hooks were supporting, let alone the possibility that the chains might get stuck on something and risk fracturing Dan’s skull when he pulled away.

Then, of course, there’s infection to worry about. Plastic surgeon Dr. Frank Agullo told Yahoo! News: “Implants like this are not safe. They introduce an easy path for bacteria between the outside world and the internal body. In this case, the bone covering the brain.

“In addition, I am concerned about the amount of weight these hooks are supporting. The weight or any accidental tug on a band of gold could cause the implant to dislodge and even fracture the skull.”

I can safely say I’m not certain I’m going to be following Dan Sur’s lead anytime soon.

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