My Mother Interrupted My Wedding to Tell Me the Truth

I was all set to tie the knot with my fiancé in a fairytale wedding.

But my world came to a colossal standstill when my mom barged into the ceremony and screamed: “STOP THE WEDDING… HE’S YOUR BIOLOGICAL FATHER!” Her revelation ripped me apart and had me gasping for breath.

On my sunny New York wedding day, I was a bundle of nerves and excitement. My mom, coming all the way from Paris, was running late, and it was almost time to start. Zack, my soon-to-be husband,

was waiting at the altar. I tried to stay hopeful, but not having Mom there was eating away at my happiness.

Then, out of nowhere, a loud scream cut through the ceremony.

Who’s that, Mom? This is Zack,” I said, totally confused.

Mom was fuming. “Don’t play dumb with me. You shouldn’t be here, especially not with a fake name.”

I was getting scared. “Mom, what’s going on? You know Zack?”

Her next words hit me like a ton of bricks. “I barely made my flight, but I got here just in time. April, he’s not Zack. He’s, YOUR REAL DAD,” she said, her voice trembling.

I felt like the ground swallowed me up. Everything went black. When I opened my eyes, surrounded by worried faces, I was in shock. “He’s… my dad?” I sobbed, unable to grasp the reality.

Mom nodded, her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry, honey. The man you were about to marry, he’s your father. We thought he was gone, but he’s been here all along.”

Mom let out a deep breath and started to tell me about her past: It all began…

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