An surprise gift on Adelaide’s doorstep changes her birthday.

A pair of magnificent shoes and a terrifying warning set the stage for a night of surprises.

I woke up on my 35th birthday excited and sad.

My birthdays were always special, but this year was different. Checked my phone for James’ message.

Nothing. I missed his early texts that made me smile. After a work trip, he would attend the party that night. The home felt empty without him, so I lifted the cover. The doorbell interrupted my thoughts as I prepared to get up.

“Who could be so early?” Grabbed my robe and muttered.

I looked through the peephole as I approached the front door. No one. Despite heart palpitations, I opened the door. A sleek black box fit on the threshold.

“What the heck?” I muttered, surveying the empty street. No one around.

The package felt heavy to lift. The most exquisite heels I’d ever seen were inside. Watching them confused and excited me.

“These are stunning,” I sighed, touching the leather. What person would send me shoes?

It fluttered when I lifted a shoe. A note. Opening it and reading it quickly dimmed my excitement.


“What?!” Reading the note again, I gasped. A cold shiver went down my spine.

Is this a joke? My thoughts raced, whispering. Reviewing the shoes, I noted. “Who would? And why?”

Shaking hands, I dialed James on my phone. This rang until his voicemail.

James, I am. Strange thing happened. You must talk. Please call me when you get this.”

I hang up, hugging the phone to my chest as if it could calm my stomach fear.

“This doesn’t make any sense,” I thought. Who sent it?

Who wants my life ruined? My mind raced during every friend and family interaction. Tonight’s party was for my trusted family only.

A thousand things ran through my head, but one thing was certain: this birthday was unexpected.

Though I attempted to focus on party preparations, that terrible feeling remained. I kept thinking about that note despite the house’s cooking fragrance and string lights.

Like a dark cloud over a sunny day. As I put on the shoes, I admired their beauty. Saw the clock ticking until James got home. I needed him. I needed affirmation I was overreacting.

I nearly fell into his arms when he entered. He hugged me and sweetly said, “Happy birthday, love.”

“James…” As I began, my voice faltered. How could I tell him without seeming crazy?

Backing down, he examined me. What’s wrong? Your skin pales. Did something happen?

I shook my head, seeking distraction. I’m fine. Setting up everything exhausts me. All done.”

James raised a doubtful eyebrow but let it go. You did well. Everything looks great.”

Forced grin. “Thanks. Hope tonight goes well.”

“And it will,” he kissed my forehead. Start this party?

As guests arrived, I tried to relax but kept looking at their feet. In anticipation, I watched and pondered. One of them? Did they hide in plain sight? She appeared when the door opened. Emily.

Heart fell like stone.

“Emily?” Voice was barely heard. She wore matching shoes.

Adelaide, happy birthday! Emily laughed, unaware of my worry. I barely responded when she hugged.

“Oh dear,” I whispered, trying to stay calm but feeling like I was going to collapse. We swap shoes! Those odds?

Emily’s paused smile raced my head. “Yeah… I bought them last month with my first salary. Very pretty.

My voice was tight as I said, “They are.” “You’ve never worn them?”

“No, tonight’s the first time,” she said, looking down. “I wanted to save them for something special.”

“Of course,” I smiled again. However, my thoughts spun. A coincidence?

Her chat with another guest vibrated my phone. Pulling it out, I watched the screen. Unknown number. I debated opening the mail while my fingers scanned the screen.

Another buzz. I couldn’t ignore it. My heart raced when I opened the note.

My cheeks drained as I looked at my phone photo of James and Emily choosing shoes at a shoe store. They appeared like a couple, hugging and smiling. Going to the next message made my heart race.

Samantha works in shoe sales. A man and lady were talking two days ago. ‘My love, finally I can enjoy your company. My dumb wife doesn’t know I’m happiest with another. These shoes will suit you at her birthday party. I’ll kill to rip them off you at midnight as she sleeps.”

Checked the message before continuing. I grabbed everything instantly. Betrayed you. Thank god he forgot his phone while waiting for his friend, and I saved a ‘WIFE’ contact. Investigator friend helped me find your address. This shoe idea came to mind. You deserve honesty.”

Unable to breathe. I realized the betrayal and the universe rocked. My husband. My sister. My two closest friends deceived me. Instead of crumbling, I toughened. I was about to demonstrate how much I could damage their lives if they ruined mine.

I smiled pleasantly, put my phone in my pocket, and headed to James and Emily.

Hi all! I screamed to attract guests. My voice was almost steady.

“I appreciate your attendance tonight. Before we begin, I built a game. James and Emily, please come up for ‘Guess the Surprise.’”

I led them to the center of the room despite their confusion. Even though they were frightened, they tried to act calm.

I was calm when I connected my phone to the Bluetooth speaker despite my heart racing.

I said, “As you know, I love surprises. I learned my dear husband and sister are planning a surprise for me.”

Emily paled, and James shifted uncomfortably. No one knew what was coming. One button press flooded the space with shoe store banter.

Words rang through the room like thunder. The crowd gasped and mumbled at James and Emily. As their faces sank, I stayed calm.

James rushed me, desperate. Adelaide, stop! Give me the phone!

I retreated faster and kept it from him.

I said, “Oh, don’t worry, dear,” sounding kind. Everyone gets the whole experience tonight.”

The recording proved their complete betrayal. The room was quiet save for the wall clock afterward.

I ended with a cold voice. “You two thought you could humiliate me? End my life? I won’t lose my night.”

I focused on James. Please remove James by tomorrow morning. Go elsewhere, not here.”

Emily was quietly crying.

And you, Emily… Your treachery was worst. I want no contact from you. I’ll introduce you to the family.”

They were ashamed and exposed in their identical shoes when I departed. The spotlight they wanted became their biggest dread.

After the final visitor left, I grabbed my coat and headed to find Samantha. Thanks to the woman who saved me from this nightmare.

I caught her locking the shoe store.

“Thank you,” I said graciously. “You saved my life.”

Samantha’s smile was kind. Truth is sometimes the best gift.

Nodding, I breathed deeply as the day ended.

“Revenge is sweet,” I smiled, “especially when served in the perfect pair of shoes.”