Dairy Queen Sparks Debate with an outdoor Sign. The owner refuses to apologize for it

The charming Wisconsin town of Kewaskum is home to a Dairy Queen that has lately become an internet sensation. The rationale behind it? The restaurant’s dedication to “political incorrectness” is boldly stated on a placard placed conspicuously in the front window.

The sign is an energetic medley of seasonal wishes, including “God Bless America,” “Happy Easter,” and “Merry Christmas.” Many in the neighborhood hold these traditions in high regard,

and the restaurant is doing its best to preserve them. The sign serves as a reminder to veterans to enjoy complimentary sundaes and express gratitude for their service, while also spreading holiday pleasure.

The proprietor, Kevin Scheunemann, said that the sign was up roughly four years ago after a patron complained about the restaurant’s playing Christian music. He wished to emphasize their commitment to serving God and nation. No major problems have arisen as a result of the sign since then.

A Facebook post by an Oregon tourist recently sparked debate over the sign’s perceived exclusivity. Prior to its removal, the post garnered much attention. Some have spoken out in favor of the message, while others have spoken out against it. On the other hand, local business owners are standing by Scheunemann’s decision, saying that consumers have the right to boycott the restaurant if they don’t agree with its values.

According to Dairy Queen’s official statement, the corporation does not support Scheunemann’s approach. No matter a customer’s religious affiliation, the franchisees and employees must treat them with dignity and respect, according to their statement.

The people of Kewaskum have come to accept the sign since they believe it represents the owner’s values. The message is a reminder that a community’s vitality and diversity are enhanced by its members’ many customs and beliefs, regardless of one’s agreement with the message. The sign is perfect for us.

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