Child draws ‘family picture’ – teacher immediately calls emergency meeting when she sees what he has made

As a parent, a lot of times you might get a call from your child’s school – for a lot of parents it’s not a cause for concern.

However, these parents got a very worried call from their child’s school asking for an emergency meeting.

And the reason for the meeting was one you could not believe…

A man recently wrote about his experience with his son’s school. His son drew something in class which concerned his teacher greatly and prompted them to set up an emergency meeting with his parents.


The entire situation unfolded in a comic manner which prompted the amused dad to post about it on Facebook so others could have a laugh about it too. His Facebook post read, “Our six-year-old handed us a note. His teacher had called my wife and I in for an emergency meeting. We asked our son if he had any idea why and he said, ‘She didn’t like a drawing I did’.”

“We went in the next day and his teacher pulled out the drawing and said, ‘I asked him to draw his family and he drew this, would you mind explaining?’”

Our six-year-old handed us a note. His teacher had called my wife and I in for an emergency meeting. We asked our son if…

Posted by Natural World on  Friday, May 5, 2023

The drawing depicted four people with what appeared to be ropes around their necks. Of course, anyone with little information about the family would be concerned about seeing a drawing like that.

The parents did not blink an eye and did not even realize the picture would need an explanation. The dad replied immediately to quell any worries for the teacher, “We were snorkeling off the Bahamas.”

People on the internet however debated whether this was warranted on the teacher’s behalf.

“This is bloody hysteria,” one person wrote . “Seriously, who needs that drama.”

“Emergency meeting over this? I know it’s not the best drawing but I think it’s pretty clear…” another user wrote .


“What kind of teacher was this?” another wondered. “Children are innocent… they take pleasure from innocent drawings.

However, some users thought the teacher did the right thing. A user chimed in, “I would want to know, even if it’s a false alarm… it’s better safe than sorry.”

Another person pointed out how the meeting would not have been necessary had the teacher just asked the child. The user added ,  “As a teacher, I would have asked the kid what it was. The kid would have said snorkeling. End of story.”

But others maintained that it was better to be safe than sorry. A user wrote, “It doesn’t matter what they say, the kid is six. You have to perform due diligence.”

Then this person concluded, “The teacher did the right thing. These interventions have saved lives. Seriously.”

What do you think about this entire situation? Let us know in the comments. And share this piece with your friends and family on Facebook to give them a laugh as well.

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