This Boy Has the Sweetest Answer to the Question “Why Did God Create Grandmothers?”

Growing up, our grandparents supported us during both good and difficult times. And as we get older, we can see why—there’s nothing stronger than a grandmother’s love for her grandchildren.

In a video from 2008 that has just surfaced, a southern gentleman-in-training is asked to address the question, “Why did God create grandmothers?” And let us be the first to warn you—his response will make you feel all warm and gooey inside.

“Well, God made grandmothers to love and care for you, that’s all I know,” he says, before expressing surprise that his own grandmother, whom he calls Maw Maw, is 100 years old. Believe it or not, that isn’t the sweetest thing he says: when this little child refers to his grandmother as “the king of all of us,” our hearts melt.

The youngster goes on to explain that he wouldn’t be here without his grandmother—what a smartie! We couldn’t have expressed it better ourselves.

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