My Daughter Dropped off My Grandson and Disappeared — Three Weeks Later I Got a Call That Broke My Heart

I was shocked when my daughter suggested leaving my grandchild. What was in the child’s bag frightened me. My daughter may get her son. Was she alive? Continue reading!

Jane’s Saturday arrival was unexpected yet routine. Daughter was always wild. She came to my door with Tommy, smiling a motherly weary grin. Even so, something was off.

Jane walked slowly and had stress lines around her eyes.

She remarked, “Mom, I need a favor,” setting Tommy down as she entered. He ran to his favorite toys in the living room, oblivious to the stress.

“Yes, honey. What you need?” I requested her attention. However, my daughter left a large blue suitcase in the hallway.

She continued, “I’ve got this work thing, last-minute,” she shouted. Please watch Tommy for two weeks. Maybe longer.”

Frowning wrenched my stomach. I enjoyed spending time with my grandson. He was active, curious, and asked interesting questions—I adored him!

I worried for my daughter. Jane, how long? Why this work trip?”

“New project. You know. “I’ll be back soon,” she murmured, avoiding me.

Though she wouldn’t admit it, her purse strap fidgeting showed her anxiety.

I begged “Jane,” hoping to break past her boundaries. Is everything okay? Look exhausted. I’m talkable.”

When she looked at me, I saw raw fear before she hid it beneath a phony grin. Actually, I’m fine. Just fatigued. No worries.”

But I fretted. This appeal seemed heavy with something unsaid because my daughter rarely asked for help. So I nodded and hugged her. “Alright. Promise to call if needed.”

Her hug was quick and hasty. I will, Mom. Thanks.”

She raced to catch her plane, leaving Tommy.

Good goodness Tommy was distractible. We played games, read stories, and ate his favorite snacks all day. Despite my fear, I focused on making him happy. After all, Jane promised to return soon.

Unjustified disagreement. After my grandson spilled juice during supper, I got him new clothes from the suitcase. What I learned shocked and frightened me!

I opened it expecting pajamas, t-shirts, and maybe toys. I was frozen by what I found. It started with clothes. After sorting, I learned they weren’t for a week.

The winter wardrobe featured heavy sweaters, coats, and gloves. Then spring clothes, rain boots, and lighter jackets. My heart raced! Jane packed for a week’s vacation by season. Why?

It looked like Tommy’s inhaler, allergy medicine, cough syrup, and the boy’s toys. Something Jane wouldn’t forget for a longer stay. As the pieces fit, I got a chill.

Not just a two-week vacation. My hands shook as I dug. On a basic white envelope at the bottom of the bag, Jane wrote my name.

Cash was there. Many things! Never before has she carried so much. A frightening realization made me gasp. Jane didn’t plan to return—maybe ever!

My brain raced to make sense of it. Why would she leave Tommy with me? Why wouldn’t she tell me if something was wrong? My call to her went to voicemail.

I left a calm message to avoid scaring the child.

I’m Mom Jane. Call me when you get this. Please. Concerned about you.”

When she didn’t call the next morning, I freaked more! Just called her work, friends, and old college roommate! Nobody had seen or heard from her! She disappeared!

I was barely functioning for three days. Tommy was too little to understand why his mother wasn’t answering her phone, so I attempted to keep things regular. I worried every time I saw him.

Where was Jane? Why would she disappear? I rechecked the baggage to find out where she went. Only the money envelope remained, a subtle reminder that my daughter had planned this.

The idea felt unsettling.

A video call came after weeks of crying. Jane’s name on television quickened my heart. After clicking “Answer” and seeing my daughter’s face, my hands shook.

“Jane? Where are you? You okay?”

Her weary response after a long pause. “Mom, I’m so sorry.”

Sorry for what? What’s up Jane? Where are you?”

Mom, I’m fine, but I can’t tell you where. Covert labor mission.”

You scare me, Jane. What’s up?”

“Don’t worry, Mom. I’m OK and will return soon.”Daughter failed to convince me.

“I distrust you. Can’t see you?” I doubted.

“Mom! You stress me! Feeling fine. Call Tommy—I want to talk.”

Sighed, I did as she asked. She lowered the phone to avoid me after talking to Tommy.

The number was off when I called back, so she didn’t answer! Staring at that ominous blue parcel, I wrung my hands.

Always hid Tommy’s father’s identity. Though I told my mother I didn’t, I knew him. His true nature was darker… I knew his risk.

Through the grapevine, I discovered he was back in town and had to move fast. Tommy’s existence couldn’t be revealed. He could kidnap, use, or worse…

I panicked, packed Tommy’s things, and claimed Grandma was coming. This time was different. Tommy had to leave my house. So I packed his clothes and toys.

I plucked his photographs from the walls. Not taking any chances in case Alex discovered it at my residence. I couldn’t risk missing weeks with my son.

I knew mom would guard my son. I regretted deceiving her. Could I admit my lies? How could I admit Tommy’s father was no fling but a big threat to our family?

Jane didn’t reply for weeks. I was frightened every morning. I wondered daily if I’d get a call saying she was found or dead.

Though challenging, I tried to normalize my grandson’s life. He asked about his mom every day, so I lied and said she’d return soon when I didn’t know whether she would.

After weeks of worrying and no news from Alex, I returned. Losing my baby hard, but I knew I protected him.

Jane came exhausted yet relieved. Tommy cried excitedly to her, and everything was fine again! I kept thinking this wasn’t over as I watched.

Jane lived on secrets and lies, and now they followed her everywhere. She shakes when she picks up her luggage to go, remembering her load.

She looked sorry and grateful at me.

“Mom,” she continued, “I can’t convey my gratitude. My assignment is private. I’m sorry.”

I nodded and held her close. Jane, vow to stay safe. I only request.”

“I promise,” she said, knowing we knew.

I feared she would breach her promise.

Seeing her drive away with Tommy crushed my heart with love and dread. I knew she had protected her son, but the road ahead would be long and painful.

Jane was relieved to see her, but her secrets would haunt her forever. As they drove away, I prayed for their safety at the door, leaving their fate to God.

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